Sunday, October 12, 2008


I write this post emotional, and proud of my amazing brother. I have watched him train for about a year, and am inspired by his dedication and love of running. This dedication and love is evidenced through long training runs on snow covered roads in below zero temperatures. In long runs in the rain before anyone else is even awake. By training runs through the woods with his dog scout, on his lunch hour, or after work, or on the weekend when normal rational humans are enjoying sleeping in. This drive that defies rational thought is what makes him a Marathoner, someone with a singularity of purpose, and dedication to accomplish this monumental goal.

This weekend my brother traveled to Chicago with his wife, his running partner Adam, and our mom and dad. I could not leave New York so my wife and I ran around central park with our cell phones, and text message updates, while Cal ran the marathon. In solidarity we ran with Cal, we were inspired as the text messages came in. 10 k. 41.29, half, 1:27:25, we were getting excited! 30K, 2:05:26! With each text we stopped running and called Cal's cell phone to sing an inspirational song on his voice mail. Then came the final text. By this time we were running with our phones in our hands so anxious to see the last text message come through. Finish (unofficial) 3:05:25! He did it he ran his first marathon, and qualified for Boston. Amy and I were cheering in Central Park along side the Harlem meer along with millions of fans lining the race course in Chicago. We were a small part of this experience that had a huge impact on us! GO CAL!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Two days to go...

I'm glad I've been more consistent with my training than I have with my post updates.

There are now only two days left until the marathon. I've been pretty good througout this week of keeping my nerves about me, and staying focused. It's been so busy lately that it hasn't been too hard to keep my mind on other things. But now sitting on the eve of what will be the third biggest thing I've done in my life (followed behind getting married, and buying a house), my body is reminding me that this isn't going to be just any other weekend. Let's recap..

It was almost a year ago exactly to this coming weekend that I 'announced' to my wife, brother and sister-in-law that I was planning to begin training for the Chicago Marathon. We were in NYC, and had just ran a half marathon out on Staten Island. Fast forward a year, 3 pairs of shoes, over 1500 miles on the roads and trails, and countless adventures running....and here I sit.

I realize at this point, there is nothing else that I can do pre-race day to ensure that I meet the goals that I've set for me during this race. It brings me both relief, and stress. I feel happy, and worried. I feel like a machine, and I feel like I've gained 100's a odd mix of emotions, that I feel I shouldn't be feeling unless I was a 55 year old woman going through menopaus.

My goal is to stay as calm and collected as I can through the race, until I see that finish line....once that happens, Lord only knows what will then ensue. A year of my life has been dedicated to this race, it has encapsulated my thought process much more than it should have (sorry Kensey), and quite honestly, I'm not sure what is going to happen come Monday, day after the race. My parent's asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday is only a few weeks away! I have Halloween to look forward to...the Holidays. All of these things have been completley overshadowed by the marathon that looms on the horizon. It's going to be a very odd feeling.

I look forward to being able to not be quite a strict with my training be able to eat things that I may crave (I swear I'm going to eat a whole Hungry Howies wait), to be able to spend more time with kensey (thanks babe for the sacrifices you've made), and to have my Saturday mornings back. In the same way, though...I don't think that I'm going to be able to really ever return to a type of running mantra I've done in the past. Without even running the marathon yet, I can understand the people that say that the marathon changes you.

To the few that have read or 4 entries throughout the year. Thank you. Thank you everyone for your support, and your prayers. Say an extra at 9am on Sunday morning.

"Run like the wind!"

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I'm glad I'm more consistant with training than I am with blogging...

So it's been how long now, 2 months since the last post? I'm sure that ALL the avid readers of this blog are thinking that I've fallen off the face of the earth. Sometimes I get busy enough that I feel like I will if I try to keep at this pace!

Training has been going great as of late. Now that the snow has left and warm weather has settled in, at least for a short while, it has made for MUCH more enjoyable training. Since the last post, I've put a half marathon and 25k under my belt. Both races were great and right where I wanted to be. The half marathon pace was at 6:25, which I was very happy with, and the 25K pace was 6:24. Both felt strong. I've been working on listening to my body more with re-fueling during a race. I'm getting better and more efficient at doing this.

My runs have been going good during the week. I've moved my training schedule to the mornings for the most part, leaving before work with my neighboor Adam. We have a system set down now. You wake up, turn your porch light on letting the other know you made it up and will be partaking in the run, and meet out there a little after 6. If the other doesn't show within 15 minutes, you way farewell, and go on your way knowing the other is sleeping in this time. This is working out great, especially with the warm, humid weather we come to know and love in Michigan! It's also allowing my body to get used to running this time of the day. I've read that it's important to try to time the majority of your training around the same time in the day that the race you are training for is. I have a 14 mile run I have to get in this week, because I wont be able to on the weekend, being that I am going to Florida for a much needed vacation with my brother, his wife, and my wife. We're really looking forward to it. It will be the kick-off to their (much needed) summer break, and me and Kensey's treat to ourselves.

I've worked into my workout schedule a workout called Yasso's 800s. It's a great speed workout doing 800 repeats. I've found that it's a great way for me and Adam to work in some speed work to what would otherwise be a majority of long runs.

Speaking of Adam, he is thinking that he wants to try to qualify for Boston as well! I was very excited to find this out. I knew that he has the potential to do this, but didn't want to bring it up until HE knew through himself, because I know how competitive he is, and being new to running, I didn't want him to beat himself up about it. Running is definitley engrained within him. He only has a few races under his belt, but has the mindset of a seasoned race vet.

That's all for now. I'll try to post more often. Good day to you all, and get out there and go for a run!


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Long-deserved update

Calvin Checking in....

It's been a while since posting, but I figured it was high-time to let everyone know where we are with this.

Training is going well, and I am feeling strong. I have had to deal with a bought of tendinitis in my left foot, but when I get the money, I will be getting orthopedics which should help with this. Non-the-less, I try not to let the occasional pain associated with the injury slow me down (much to the chagrin of the doctors I've spoken with). This past weekend me and my neighboor Adam Kelm did a 33.5 mile trail run on the Kal Haven trail. It was a team relay, and we pretty much split the distance evenly. We ended up winning our division, with a combined pace of 6:56. I am hoping to manage this pace for a marathon (or faster), and try to break 3 hours, God-willing.

I have a half marathon in the end of April in Kalamazoo that I plan to do, along with my annual 25K race in Grand Rapids at the 5/3 River Bank Run. I'll be looking for more races to fill time between then and October.

I have established connection with a number of people, including a man named Al in France that I enjoy talking running with. He's newer to the running community, and I find it refreshing to share my own knowledge about the art of running with someone that is developing much the same passion as I. I think at times that I should work for a shoe company or running store, maybe when I 'retire'....

I'm feeling strong, and my pace seems to be quickening. I can now run 6-8 miles at a 6:20 or faster pace and feel fairly comfortable. I need to get more longer runs in to see where I am. If I can hold a 6:30 pace for a half marathon, (which I am hoping for in April), I think this will be a good place to start with my intensified training that Chris has me starting on this spring.

I will keep you all posted.



Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tuesday Run

3.5 Miles easy with the dog. I think that it's going to be easier to pace myself with Scout. He's not quite as fast as I am yet, and it makes it easier to run the pace I need.

It was his first run on the roads. He did really well! Still needs to work on not getting distracted by the other pedestrians.

The run felt good. My thighs are a bit sore today, and my core, but I'm happy for the soreness.

Feeling good!

Monday Workout

Cross training and Core strengthening today.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Sunday "run"

Bike ride!

Total Distance: 9 miles

Did a ride as a way of working other muscles. Nothing fancy. I love getting outside.